Flasher Rigging
Rigging the Pro-Troll Flashers
Flashers catch more salmon each year than any other device ever invented. Learn to use the Pro-Troll and you will be amazed at the results.
Rig it right and you will catch more salmon than with any other system. Rig it wrong and you
will catch a few salmon but most of them will not hit. The difference between right and wrong
involves a few basics along with some special tricks. The Pro-Troll flashers are normally tied
to your fishing line from your rod and reel.You will then rig a bait, hootchie, fly or lure two to
five feet behind the flasher. With your boat in motion you let the flasher up to 30 feet back.
Your fishing line is then clipped in a downrigger release and you are ready to take the setup
to fishing depth. Diagrams on the following pages show different setups.
Rule #1 Rig it Frontwards
One of the most common mistakes with flashers is trolling them backwards. The narrow
tapered end is the front. The taper makes the flasher spin as it is trolled. The wide rear
section of the flasher kicks back and forth to attract the salmon with strong vibrations.
This flasher rigging section is divided into six sections. Each section discusses a different
aspect of flashers that can help you catch more salmon.

Table of Contents
Rigging the Pro-Troll Flashers
Rigging the Pro-Troll Flashers
Rigging The ProChip 11 Flashers with the Agitator Fin
Rigging The ProChip 8 Flashers with the Agitator Fin
Rigging The HotChip 8" and 11" Flashers
Lures and Baits to use Behind Flashers
Why Flashers Catch More Salmon
Flasher Colors and Trolling Speeds
Online How-To Books

Pro-Troll Products