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The Echip Bait Technology

1. Attracts Bigger Fish
2. Triggers More Strikes
3. Ensures Accurate Strikes

Scientists Confirm that Fish use 5 Sensory Systems to Feed


  • Sight - fish have good eyesight but don't see well in poor conditions or at close range. Cloudy water, dirty water and deep dark water inhibit sight.
  • Smell - Important for some fish but scent trails are narrow and inaccurate for catching prey.
  • Sound - Sounds travels fast in water but it is very inaccurate for predators at close range.
  • Vibration - Critical for general attraction to a region but it is also inaccurate at close range.
  • Electro Sensitivity - Critical for triggering strikes and enabling fish to exactly locate and strike their prey.


While sight smell and sound bring fish to an area, Electro-Location is the primary tool fish use to determine what and where to strike. Used by over one million anglers worldwide, the EChip is scientifically & practically to attract



The EChip is a registered trademark of Pro-Troll Inc.

The EChip crystal mounted in lures emits a nerve discharge that duplicates live bait

Typical nerve discharge of a baitfish

Discharge of the EChip

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